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Bible Reading List for New Believers

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You Can't Get to Heaven Without a Space Suit
The "Spiritually Scientific" Reason Why You Need Jesus

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Book of Hebrews

Mountain - The Sermon on the Mount: A Training Manuel for Disciples
Sermon on the Mount book

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Jesus Messiah Book

Healing the Blind - Sign of the Messiah

Prophecies Fulfilled by the Messiah Jesus

The Messiah Jesus and
Isaiah 53

bible Insights
Jewish Objections to Jesus

An Interview with Jesus

Remembering Gaius, Diotrephes and Demetrius

The Parable of the Wedding Feast, the Ten Virgins and the Bride of Christ

Feed My Sheep    One Fold, One Shepherd

Are You Justified?    The Commandments of Jesus

The Heart of David - a Man after God's own Heart

The Marriage - Understanding the Principles of Salvation

Inspirations from the Gospel of John - John 15

Justified - Jesus' Parable of the Pharisee and the Sinner

Jacob, Esau and You    Original Sin    

Upon this Rock    No Fear    In His Image

"All Things are Lawful" - The Abuse of Grace

Lessons for this Hour from Philippians

Inspirations from Colossians - "If"

Foundations for the Disciple

Manasseh's Story of Repentance

The Repentance of Change

The Joys of Repentance    Like A Diamond

Conversations with the Apostles

The Eyewitnesses   Born Again   Storm Warnings

Why Jesus has to be the Messiah

House of Glory - The Temple of The Messiah

The Similitude of David     Seed of the Woman

The Arm of the Lord     The Messiah in Isaiah 9:6

The Two Servants - Isaiah 42:1 and Isaiah 41:8,9

The Miracle of Mary's Lineage

The Prophecy of the Virgin Birth

Great Expectations: Malachi 3:1

The Warless World     Mathematical Odds

Is Jesus the Image of God? - Genesis 18

The Egg and i - A Simple Explanation of the Trinity

Understanding The Trinity from the Scriptures
It's all about God's Love for You

This study is also available in a published format for easy sharing and classroom use. Book Store

Is it possible to understand the Trinity? Author H. D. Shively believes that it is God's desire for His children to understand His miraculous construction as far as He has chosen to reveal Himself in His Word. Using the Scriptures as the sole source of this revelation, "Understanding the Trinity from the Scriptures" is a unique, easy to understand explanation of the unity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
"If we cannot explain the Trinity from the Word of God, then we have no business teaching it as the Word of God." - H. D. Shively
Comments from our readers. -
"Very fine work. Very fine."
"Your explanations of the issue look terrific."
"An excellent thesis!" - Rev. Robert Beaumeir, Phd, Evangelical Trinitarian Doctor of Theology

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The Last Generation - Matthew 24 and 25
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Help for the Hard Times - Keys for Spiritual Survival

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The Beatitudes Interpreted
Matthew 5:1-12
And seeing the multitudes, He went up into a mountain: and when He was set, His disciples came to Him -

Jesus saw the multitudes, then He left them and went up a mountain and those who were His disciples followed Him; they were willing to make the climb into a deeper relationship with Him and Jesus taught them from the heights.
      I’m sure there were some who remained behind, just as there were those who stayed at the base of the mountain when Moses went to commune with God.
      If we are willing to climb higher we will hear Him, and we can fellowship with Him spiritually face to face.
      Those who followed Him were willing to exert themselves for His behalf. They were not afraid of getting out of breath, or losing track of time or being inconvenienced. They were not worried about what they were leaving behind.
      His disciples came to Him.

And He opened His mouth and taught them saying –

Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven
–Blessed are the “needy” in spirit, those who need the things of God, who are not satisfied with the kingdom of this life. Blessed are those who long for the riches of the Kingdom of God, and this Kingdom will be theirs.

Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. – Blessed are they that have suffered loss in this realm, for there is hope (John 11:25,26). Blessed are those who can grieve for another’s loss and comfort them with the comfort that they have received from God, (II Corinthians 1:3,4).
     Blessed are those who can mourn, grieve and emphasize with the lost and hurting.
      Blessed are those who are endued with the Lord’s compassion.

Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. –For that which has been stolen shall be restored to those who were powerless. To those who were victims, they shall be victorious and rule and reign with Christ, for he that was last shall be first.

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled –For blessed are those who value holiness and desire virtue as jewels; for they shall be royally adorned within.

Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy – For they have learned how to love and they shall reap what they have sown.

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God – Blessed are those who can come as little children. In these there is no guile.

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God – Blessed are those who do not sow dissention but in their mouths are God’s eternal words of reconciliation. Blessed are those who sow the Gospel between enemies and so make two one.

Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven – Blessed are those who will not compromise.

“Blessed are you – all of you – My disciples, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad: for great is your reward in heaven. For you loved not your lives on this earth and were willing to sacrifice them for Me on the altar of service. You were willing to take up your cross and carry it for Me wherever I chose to lead you; even when the path you followed was strewn with the fires of persecution, you were willing to endure the flames and you refused to deny My name.
      Blessed are you who were willing to suffer for My name’s sake, for your reward is as the prophets who have gone before you
and you will be crowned in gold as one of them.
      Blessed are My needy ones, who need Me, and have mourned for the lost who do not. Blessed are you who possess My meekness, My rulers, My righteous, holy merciful bride, who runs into My arms with a child’s pure heart, My peacemakers, My evangelists, My martyrs who are willing to die for Me.
      Blessed are you all who were willing to climb this mountain and sit at My feet – for you are My disciples.”

Copyright 2007 by H.D. Shively

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