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"Sharing the Gospel with Word and Art since 1982"

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If anyone is in Christ He is a new Creature, old things are passed away, all things become new. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - II Corinthians 5:17, John 3:16

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Jesus Messiah Book

ISBN 9798667887485

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"Why Jesus has to be the Messiah"

Author and Bible scholar, H.D. Shively, directs us back through the centuries to explore the foreshadows and typologies that God has so brilliantly woven through His word to verify “Why Jesus has to be the Messiah.”

You will be brought to an understanding of the unique plan of redemption for mankind that God has orchestrated from the beginning of creation.

You will understand how God and the Messiah are unified, and why it is not idolatry to worship God through Him.

You will be escorted through the writings of Moses and the prophets on a journey that leads to only one conclusion: Jesus is the prophesied Messiah.

"I have been truly blessed. It is very well written, clear and accessible to 'lay' readers as well as a challenge to students and scholars." - Rev. B. Rumble

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FREE eBooklet! - Jesus is the Messiah - Objections and Answers

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When a young couple moved into a town with a large population of witches, they were unprepared for the spiritual warfare that followed. After enduring physical and spiritual attacks, they began to discover the power they had been given in the name of Jesus to overcome the devil's onslaughts they were experiencing. Learn the techniques they learned in the heat of battle, that can protect yourself and others from demonic attacks.

Also available in paperback.

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You Can’t Get to Heaven without a
Space Suit

"You can't get to Heaven without a Spacesuit," is a unique explanation of the atonement of Jesus Christ that shows us from the Scriptures the “Spiritually Scientific” reason why Jesus is the only way to Heaven. The author effectively refutes the increasingly common response to the Gospel that God will accept anyone as long as their good deeds outweigh the bad. We are shown the technical reason why God’s plan for the redemption of the human race as outlined in the Old and New Testaments, must be followed precisely or we cannot be properly outfitted to survive in Heaven’s holy atmosphere. “Space Suit” is a wonderful approach to conveying the Gospel message and the perfect explanation of the Gospel for folks in this “new age.” This message will also reinforce believers in their faith and equip them with a fresh, creative way to share the Gospel with others. "Space Suit" is a wonderful resource for youth groups, Sunday Schools and Bible studies.

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"You can't go from this without understanding the Gospel." - New Hampshire

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ISBN 9780692474846

Paperback 46 pages $5.98
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Comments from people who have heard the author teach "You can't get to Heaven without a Space Suit." -

"Very Powerful!" - Maine

"I was captivated." - Pastor J. Ouelette

"Very thought provoking...very effectively puts the myth that people can be saved without Jesus to rest." - G. Arthur, missionary

"It says it all. If you are not saved after hearing this,then you are not going to be." - Maine

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Sign of the Fig Tree

fig tree Israel, the Tribulation and the Church

Also available in Paperback from Amazon

Holding onto Faith-
Understanding the Book of Hebrews for You Today

The book of Hebrews was originally written to encourage Jewish believers in the Messiah Jesus to hold onto their faith, and not return to the Old Covenant, which God had replaced with the prophesied New Covenant. Bible scholar, H. D. Shively, examines the relevance of this principle to current events that also seek to compromise and eradicate Christianity. Holding onto Faith is an easy to understand expository study that effectively presents the basics of the Christian faith. This book is a relevant and vital resource for anyone who is seeking an effective tool for reinforcing the hope and uniqueness of what it means to be a believer in the Messiah Jesus.

204 pages $8.95  Order from Amazon

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ISBN 9781091760301

Understanding the Book of Revelation -
Hope for the times we are Living Now

The book of Revelation was written to encourage Christian church in every generation. As recent history attests, the Euphrates River is drying, a significant event in Bible prophecy that is currently being fulfilled. As we continue on time’s conveyor belt into the future, Revelation’s message is as timely as today’s newspaper.

"Understanding the Book of Revelation" presents an easy to understand expository study that is designed to encourage and reinforce sincere believers in their faith, and convey a consistent theme of hope and victory in the face of the world’s turmoil and instability.

The keys to a healthy relationship with God are revealed within Revelation’s miraculous pages. Learn the principles you need to help keep your candle burning brightly through the deceptive winds of apostasy.

This book includes the author's previous books, "Calling the Bride" and "Hope in the Storm."

Book of Revelation

ISBN 9781985610699

322 pages $14.95  ORDER from Amazon

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"Understanding the Book of Revelation" will challenge many conventional interpretations, merely by bringing to light Scriptures that have been overlooked or avoided that drastically affect how we have viewed this most challenging prophetic landscape." - H. D. Shively

"It's a wonderful book. It's easy to understand. It's mind joggling. It’s going to pull your theological computer, it will pull up things to explore.” - Rev. David Adams

"It's excellent!" - J. Armstrong, Layman

calling bride of christ book

ISBN 9781542342919

Calling the Bride -
Understanding the Book of Revelation Chapters One through Seven

"Calling the Bride" is an excerpt from "Understanding the Book of Revelation," that features the first seven chapters.These are the seven foundational chapters that deal with God's concern for the church; from the individual believer represented by the Apostle John, to the seven churches in chapters two and three, the martyrs of chapter six and the remnant and the overcomers in chapter seven. Take Jesus' hand and let Him lead you upon the waters of Revelation.

“It’s awesome. Unbelievably good. It’s easy to understand and follow. I loved it, I couldn’t put it down and I want to read it again.” - Dr. J. Neumayer

124 pages $7.95
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The Fifth Gospel
A Harmony of the Four Gospels with Commentary by H.D. Shively

Picture if you will, the four authors of the gospels sitting at a table with you, remembering the events that inspired them to write about the Greatest Man that ever lived. Each one contributes what he has written as if in a conversation with the others. It is with this perspective that the commentator, H.D. Shively has assembled this harmony of the gospels. Follow Jesus along His journey to the cross and His victorious resurrection, through chapters that are designated by their geographical context making it easier for the reader to experience where Jesus traveled during His ministry. The commentary reveals details that have been overlooked, and reconciles what some have viewed as discrepancies in the accounts. This volume is an effective study aide for anyone who desires to enjoy the gospels as one book; “The Fifth Gospel.” "This was a challenging project. Please let me know if I missed anything. I appreciate your feedback." - H.D. Email - feedback at cafelogos dot org

This book was revised on 11/14/2024.

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Fifth Gospel Book

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The Fifth Gospel

The Sermon on the Mount: A Training Manuel for Disciples

Jesus’ powerful “Sermon on the Mount” is explored through the lense of the New Covenant. Follow the disciples up that mountain, sit with them and learn the basic principles that make Jesus’ sermon a “training manual for disciples.” This book is for serious disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ and is a powerful tool for anyone who is interested in climbing higher in their walk with the Lord.

Audio Sample - The Beatitudes

Sermon on the Mount book

82 pages $6.98 ORDER

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Matthew 24

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The Last Generation and Help for the Hard Times -
An Expository Examination of Matthew 24 and 25 with John 14 through 16

Encourage and strengthen your faith as you sit with the disciples at Jesus' feet on the Mount of Olives. Share with them Jesus' instructions on the eve of His crucifixion. Learn with them the things God wants you to know to help you face whatever comes your way in this present hour; which also may be the last generation before Jesus returns. Let Jesus give you some help for the hard times and prepare you to live each day spiritually equipped to walk above the turbulent waters of this life in victory.

105 pages $5.98 Order from Amazon
ISBN 9781651816165

The Jezebel Agenda

The Jezebel spirit will be the prevailing spirit in the church in the United States in these latter days. What is the Jezebel spirit? How does it enter the church, and what are its goals and motives? What are the three major identifying characteristics of a Jezebel spirit? How is this spirit eliminated from the church and individuals? Using the Scriptures and the author’s experiences, these questions are answered in “The Jezebel Agenda.” The Jezebel spirit is a religious spirit, but it is not the only one that can cause havoc in a church or individual. Part two of this book, "Experiencing the Religious Spirit," is an examination of the same religious spirit that instigated Jesus' crucifixion, and pollutes the faith of many Christians today. This book is a must read for anyone in ministry and all those who are concerned for the spiritual welfare of others. Learn how you can defend yourself and your church from this spirit’s deadly deceptions.

Jezebel Spirit Book

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ISBN 9781986791120

116 pages $7.95 ORDER from

Understanding the Trinity from the Scriptures -
It's all about God's Love for You

Is it possible to understand the Trinity? Author H. D. Shively believes that it is God's desire for His children to understand His miraculous construction as far as He has chosen to reveal Himself in His Word.
    Using the Scriptures as the sole source of this revelation, "Understanding the Trinity from the Scriptures" is a unique, easy to understand explanation of the unity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

"If we cannot explain the Trinity from the Word of God, then we have no business teaching it as
the Word of God." - H. D. Shively

132 pages $7.95 ORDER from Amazon

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Understanding the Trinity

ISBN 9781978167643

Why Understanding the Trinity is so Important

Comments from our readers. -

"Very fine work. Very fine."

"Your explanations of the issue look terrific."

"This is almost as good as Spurgeon, and he was very, very good."

"An excellent thesis!" - Rev. R. Beaumeir, Phd, Evangelical Trinitarian Doctor of Theology

Freedom - A Parable of Redemption

ISBN 9798730208186

63 pages $5.98 Order from Amazon

Freedom - A Parable of Redemption

Bible scholarship and creativity combine in story form by author, H.D. Shively. Prepare to take three imaginative excursions into the realm of faith.

"Freedom - A Parable of Redemption" - Two men have been climbing the wall of Self-effort and Striving all of their lives. Then one day they hear a Voice that tells them that there is a door in the wall and they can stop climbing. The men embark on a journey that begins in the Garden of Eden and leads to the amazing discovery that will set them and the reader free.

“Haunted” – A haunted inn becomes the setting for an impromptu interfaith dialogue with surprising results.

“The Gift of Flight”- One man learns the hard way that those do-it-yourself flying machines just won’t work.

The Winter Flowers
dramatic readings Dramatic Readings and Storytelling

with Audio Samples

192 pages $9.95 Order from Amazon

The Bible and the Poor

Are some Christians today allowing a political agenda to override the authority of God’s word concerning the poor? “The Bible and the Poor” answers this question with a definite, “Yes!” Writing from her own experiences with homelessness and forty years of Biblical scholarship, the author examines what the scriptures actually teach with some of today’s popular misconceptions about the individual’s and government’s responsibility to care for “The Least of These.” The author’s own experiences with homelessness provides a unique perspective on a subject that is, according to the scriptures, the most important moral issue in the Bible. 79 pages $5.95 ORDER from Amazon

Video - Lazarus and the Rich Man

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Gospel and the Poor

ISBN 9780692487716

Illustrated Books

Inspiring New Book!

Art of J.L. Shively

Christian artist, J.L. Shively, spent over thirty-five years living homeless on the road in campers sharing his testimony and his art in churches and events across the United States and parts of Canada. This book is not only a collection of art that illustrates God's word, encourages and inspires, it is an expression of the artist's heart who has identified with suffering, the needs of the poor, and has rejoiced in the beauty of God's creation. SEE MORE

Video Sample

About the Artist

The Artist's Testimony - A Brand New Life

still small voice

114 pages $7.95
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Parents Christmas Story Book

50 Pages $7.95 ORDER "Parents: The Christmas Story" from Amazon

The Still Small Voice
"Hear the Comfort, hear the Challenge - Listen to The Still Small Voice"

The Lord gathers us into His arms as a tiny child and holds us until we become the bride in His embrace. God speaks from His heart to yours in this collection of Scripture based writings that are designed to assure us of the Lord’s comforting presence in every circumstance. Quiet yourself and listen to The Still Small Voice. Illustrated by J.L. Shively.
Hardcover Version with Color Illustrations Order from Amazon

Audio Samples - I Know Where You Are | The Spiritually Needy | The Winter Flowers

Parents: The Christmas Story- Christmas is all about the celebration of the greatest Man that ever lived. Enjoy the story of Jesus’ birth in a fresh, new way. Storyteller, H. Deborah Shively, retells the Biblical story, harmonizing the accounts recorded by Matthew and Luke to read as one seamless narrative. The text is accompanied by contemporary full color illustrations by the author. “Parents: The Christmas Story,” is the perfect addition to the Christmas celebration for those who believe that it is important to remember what the joy is really all about.

Jesus and the Poor

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Jesus and the Poor

When an artist and his wife lost their home it changed their lives and their perspective.

"Jesus and the Poor" is a collection of art, prose, short stories, devotionals and testimony that were inspired by the Shively's experiences with homelessness. After the loss of their house in a failed business venture, the Shively's lived in campers for thirty-five years. Traveling across the United States, the Shively's experienced another world, one that drew them closer to God and increased their awareness of the Lord's heart for the poor and needy. Allow yourself to be touched by the things that touch the heart of God and experience this moving book from Cafe' Logos Books. ISBN 9781541114463

131 pages $7.95
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"I've just finished your book and firmly believe every pastor should read it once a year. WOW, such conviction and such a change in my perspective. Thank you for being open, transparent, and allowing FATHER's love to pen those pages. I hope GOD will move on many to read it. Excellent work! May the LORD use it greatly and bless you all." - Kerry Lord, Lord Family Ministries

  Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no one comes to the Father, but by Me. And you shall know
the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 14:6, 8:32

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