Why Understanding the Trinity is so Important

An acquaintance of mine was recounting his experience at a forum where people were given the opportunity to question a Muslim Iman. I was told with amusement that when he asked the Iman if he believed in the Trinity; “He became so upset he almost shook the podium.”

“I don’t blame him,” I responded much to the other man’s surprise. “To his mind you were asking him if he was a polytheist.” That would be a great blasphemy to a Muslim.

The man I was talking to looked shocked. Apparently it had never occurred to him that Muslims, and also Jews for that matter, believe Christians are polytheists because of the Trinity doctrine. I personally was told by a Jew that I worshipped three gods and a Muslim told me I was a polytheist. This was before I could explain the doctrine from the scriptures.

The majority of misunderstandings arise from the wording of the definitions; “God eternally exists as three persons, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.” Christians need to understand that when we use the word “God,” to the Jewish and Muslim mind they think we are referring to God the Father. Therefore they believe we are saying that the Father is three persons, or more than one, and that is polytheism. Any Trinitarian theologian will tell you that there is no plurality in God the Father.

A careful examination of the New Testament will show that when the word “God” is used, the authors are referring to God the Father. The word “Lord” is used to designate the Messiah Jesus. A similar effort must be made to affirm the singularity of God the Father in order to remove the barriers that hinder Christians from reaching Jews and Muslims with the gospel.

Christians are not polytheists. When the scriptures are the sole source of our definitions of the Three, the fact is assured for our benefit, and the benefit of all those we have alienated; those precious souls that Jesus gave His life to save. Therefore, a proper understanding of the Trinity is essential. And when we have a thorough understanding of how the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are revealed in the Word of God, then we will understand Jesus’ divinity, how the Three are unified, and how it all relates to the salvation that Jesus came to give mankind.

Understanding the Trinity from the Scriptures - It's all about God's Love for You

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