| Inspiring New Book!
The Art of J.L. Shively - Art with a Message," is an inspirational collection of art and scripture, divided into four galleries featuring children, the Gospel, the Least of These, animals and nature. This high quality 8.5x8.5 72 page book is the perfect gift for pastors, new believers, youth, church workers and anyone who is seeking a unique tool for sharing God's word with others.
72 pages $16.95 ORDER from Amazon
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Christian artist, J.L. Shively, spent thirty-six years living homeless on the road in campers sharing his testimony and his art in churches and events across the United States and parts of Canada
God took a troubled teenager, filled him with new life in Jesus and changed the young artist's ambitions to be the world's greatest seascape painter, to become a creative evangelist for the Lord.
The book is not only a collection of art that illustrates God's word, encourages and inspires; it is an expression of the artist's heart who has identified with suffering, the needs of the poor, and has rejoiced in the beauty of God's creation.
The Artist's Testimony - A Brand New Life
Know the Truth Books |