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Understanding Isaiah 7:14

The prophecy of the virgin birth is disputed by some to be a messianic prophecy. It is seen merely as a “sign” to Ahaz that he would be delivered from the Assyrians.

The time frame of this deliverance is illustrated using the symbolism of a currently pregnant woman. That is showing Ahaz from the time that he is being told the sign, to the time it takes to birth and wean a child, he would be delivered. That prophecy was fulfilled.

It is obvious that the prophecy is constructed to convey two messages at the same time. It is a sign to Ahaz, and it is also a prophecy of the virgin birth. In other words, it is a “duel” prophecy, meaning it is prophesying of two events at the same time. We have an example of this in Jesus’ prophecy in Matthew 24:15-30. He is prophesying of the coming attack on Jerusalem which happened in 70AD, and also a similar attack which will occur before He returns, which is also prophesied in Zechariah 14.

It is also disputed that the word almah in the Hebrew is not the word that is used for virgin. The word “almah” which means, “a young woman of marriageable age“ is the same word that is used to describe the virgin Rebecca in Genesis 24:43. The word almah is derived from a root word that means vigor or puberty.

While the word almah can also mean a young married woman, the 72 scholars who translated the Hebrew texts into the Greek Septuagint, also translated almah as virgin in Isaiah 7:14, which was the common application of the word. The Septuagint was completed in 285 BC approximately, long before there was any antichristian bias against the usage of the word almah.

The Child that is birthed from the virgin in Isaiah’s prophecy is called, “God with us,” which correlates to the Messianic prophecy in Isaiah 9:6; the Messiah would be called “The mighty God.” It is obvious from the eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ life that God was operating through Him, performing miracles that no other man has done before, like healing someone who has been blind since birth. It is also confirmed by the secular Jewish historian, Josephus, that Jesus performed miracles.

The definition of the word sign in Isaiah’s prophecy within the context is defined as “a special event which confirms prophecy.” Mary’s virgin birth which was fulfilled, is the sign that confirms the prophet’s words that a virgin would give birth to a son in whom God would indwell and be “God with us.”

Copyright 2024 by H.D. Shively

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