The Remnant Tree - Noah, Daniel and Job
Ezekiel 14:14

Audio Version

When My Holy Fire descends upon the branches of men, some are consumed and fall away. Others are purged by the fire and come forth shining as gold. And the I gather them, this remnant and wear them upon My crown. They are the glory of My diadem.

Noah obeyed Me, and sought his refuge in Me. I carried him across the stormy waters and caused him to come to rest on higher ground. He obeyed Me and lived. I was his only salvation, for there is no other way that a man can be saved.

Daniel separated and sanctified himself to Me. He did not bend his knee to the gods of silver and gold and men. He refused to eat the pagan meat and found his joy on his knees before Me, and I kept him from his hour of temptation. I sealed the mouths of the lions, and caused his enemies to lick the ground where he stood.

Job was rolled in the ashes and trusted Me through his suffering. There within the fire, a just man was made perfect until his eyes of faith could see Me. I come to purge every ounce of self-righteousness away, for all righteousness is of Me. Job was reborn in the ashes to live again abundantly.

Dark clouds are gathering, the fire storm is coming; My dove is resting in the uppermost branches of the remnant tree. There I shall pick My fruit and gather My children to Me, Noah, and Daniel and Job.

Copyright 2008 by H.D. Shively from "The Still Small Voice"

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