Articles of Faith |

What is First Century Christianity?

What is First Century Christianity? It is the Bible unadulterated by man’s philosophies, void of harmful additives. It is organic doctrine as it was intended to be. It is accepting the authority of the Scriptures as the final Word of God.

It is the absence of denominational barriers because they haven’t been invented yet, for the First Century Church is one body unified under the banner of the cross and our risen Savior.

It is seeing Jesus and the plan for our salvation in the Old Testament and living it in the New.

First Century Christianity is experiencing the zeal of the second chapter of Acts and obeying the command to "Quench not the Spirit" (I Thessalonians 5:19).

It is an adventure of walking with Jesus and His disciples and letting them lead us where they want us to go.

It is the church as it was intended to be; the Bride of Christ in love with her Husband and willing to die for Him if necessary as He gave His life for her.

It is prayer and worship not confined to any specific time or place, but a continual response to the abiding Presence of God living within the temple of the believer on a twenty-four hour basis.

It is experiencing the Living God who lives through us and is not confined by the man-made walls of religion.

It is freedom and holiness in the purest sense lived out from the Divine Life that is living within.

Come, open your Bibles, pray as you read and yearn to experience First Century Christianity for yourselves. It will be like a refreshing breeze, or a rushing mighty wind, designed to blow away our complacency and revive us again.

Copyright 2009 by H.D. Shively

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