Christmas for me is usually very peaceful and I enjoy a sweet time of reflection upon the birth of our Savior.
One Christmas I remember, as the day was coming to its conclusion and I was preparing for the night’s rest, I experienced a distinct impression of sadness. It was as if I was being allowed to feel what the Lord feels as He beholds the merriment of those who are supposedly celebrating the birth of their Messiah. I felt as if the Lord was grieving for the souls that were celebrating an event they really didn’t understand.
The holy Child Jesus is born, and His birth is celebrated all over the world for over two thousand years. It is a monumental event and for those who understand, we celebrate because we know this Child has set us free from the bondages of sin and death.
The sacrifice of this Child has given all who believe eternal life. We celebrate because the birth of this Child has given the world the gift of hope. As the Apostle Paul reminds us, we had “no hope and were without God in the world” (Ephesians 2:12).
Sadly, for many, Christmas has become merely an opportunity for gross materialism and carnal revelry. The Christ in Christmas has been deleted and replaced by an “x;” and the magnitude of what Christmas is really all about is buried in the refuse of torn wrappings and elaborate decorations that are soon taken down and forgotten until the season comes around again.
The birth of the Christ Child is a celebration that cannot be disconnected from His purpose. Because of the birth of this very special Child, we have been connected to God and have been given access to the joyful paradise of His Presence for eternity. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). We are the recipients of a sacrificial love that is so enormous it is beyond the capabilities of the human mind to fully comprehend.
The joy of the Christmas season never fades for the Christian. The peace that was proclaimed to the shepherds by the angels is a tangible companion in the hearts of those who understand. We know we have been given the gift of life, so how can the celebration of this fact be limited to just one day a year? It is celebrated in the hearts of those who truly believe every minute of every day. And how can we refrain from sharing the joy and truth of what we know with those who celebrate what they don’t understand?
Copyright 2015 by H.D. Shively
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