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Narcissism and Christianity

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. – II Timothy 3:1

Beginning in the first verse of chapter three in the Apostle Paul’s second epistle to the young pastor, Timothy, he warns him and us, “…that in the last days perilous times shall come.” Those perilous days are the result of the character of the people. “For men shall be lovers of their own selves” (verse 2).

Paul is telling us that there is going to be an epidemic of narcissism. Considering that we are in the last days now, the pandemic is upon us. The definition of narcissism that Paul so astutely summarized, self- love, is characterized by an excessive focus upon oneself and personal needs, many times at the expense of others. So basically the perilous times are perpetuated by selfish, self-centered people.

Jesus said that Christians would be hated by all people (Matthew 24:9). Jesus is the ultimate example of self-less giving. He is the Lamb of God who willingly gave Himself to save humanity from their sins and enable them to have eternal life. Therefore the self-centered narcissism that infects the people, will be the antithesis to the principles of the Christian faith. This will result in a full blown rejection of Christ and His followers, or a less obvious, and perhaps even more devastating compromised counterfeit of Christianity.

This compromised version is adjusted to accommodate the narcissist, who expects Jesus to serve them, and not the other way around.

As Paul shows us in verse 5, these people will appear to be religious, “having a form of godliness,” but “denying the power of it.” The power of the Christian faith is the cross, and through the cross true believers receive Jesus’ Holy Spirit which is the power that indwells the Christian and changes lives into the image of Christ, our selfless Giver. This is why the power is denied because the narcissist does not want to be anything more than a narcissist. Removing self from the throne of their lives, and replacing it with full submission to the Lord, is met with an inner revulsion. Thus those people will become the enemies of anyone who is zealously devoted to following the Lord and obeying Him.

The light of zeal that a true believer emits will provoke the narcissist apostate, and true believers will be persecuted by “despisers of those who are good” (verse 3), who can not only be family members (Luke 12:53); but also fellow professed believers.

Paul lists the characteristics of people who put self first in their lives. They are “covetous” (verse 1). They will fill the pulpits with people that encourage them to gain wealth. Thus they are materialistic people centered on the things of this life and what they can acquire for themselves. They are “lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God” (verse 4).

Paul shows us that the root of their narcissism is pride. “Boasters, proud” (verse 1). They like to talk about themselves and their own achievements. Pride is an abomination to the Lord (Proverbs 6:16,17), and is the sin that caused the devil’s downfall. “God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble (I Peter 5:5). Therefore, the moral restraints that operate within those who are humble, have submitted themselves to God and are embraced by grace, are non-existent in the narcissist, who can erupt in unrestrained behaviors when self is provoked and their insistence in getting their own way is thwarted. This can result in, “blasphemy, disobedience to parental authority, unthankful, unholy, (verse 2). Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, (how many church splits have been caused by people operating with those characteristics?) without self-control (because the self does not want to be controlled) fierce, (verse 3), traitors, heady, high minded (verse 4).

It’s chilling to think that today’s churches can be filled with smiling people who harbor the narcissist characteristics that Paul has described.

The antidote to the disease of narcissism is provided in the scriptures. Those who are Christ’s, will read His word with the attitude of one who desires to be corrected and will not alter God’s word to accommodate a narcissist’s self-centered agenda.

Copyright 2024 by H. D. Shively

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