Question: The Apostle Peter says that "... charity shall cover the multitude of sins" (1Peter 4:8). If we are saved by grace, then how can charity cover our sins? Is that a contradiction?
Answer: The Apostle Peter’s statement is not a contradiction. In this scripture Peter is addressing believers who have been saved by grace. He is encouraging them to practice charity, or love, because every believer will have to appear before Christ at the judgment when He returns (Matthew 25:31-46). It is at this time when every believer will be rewarded for the things they have done during their walk with Jesus.
The love that we show to others will be the main factor upon which our rewards are determined. Therefore, those acts of love will override any unrepented sins the believer may have committed and he will not lose any reward.
The scriptures exhort us to allow the Holy Spirit to conform us into Jesus’ image of love and selflessness. The more we permit this process in our lives, the more love we will show to others. This is what the Lord is seeking in His people and those acts of love and service will be rewarded.
Copyright 2022 by H.D. Shively
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