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Question: Why is the Apostle John called "the Apostle that Jesus Loved"? Didn't Jesus love all His apostles?

Answer: Jesus certainly did love all His apostles, but John was designated as the apostle that Jesus loved (John 13:23,20:2,21:7,20) for a very good reason. To understand we must return to the book of Daniel. This prophet was called ‘greatly beloved’ by God (Daniel 9:23,10:11,19), and an excellent spirit was in him (Daniel 6:3). Daniel was the recipient of multiple visions and prophecies concerning the latter days.

The Apostle John was designated by God to be a prophet like Daniel who was given the continuation of the prophecies that were given to Daniel. In other words, Daniel was given part one, John was given part two which is contained in the book in the Bible he received entitled “Revelation.”

Therefore, the Apostle John was designated, like Daniel ‘the beloved,’ as the ‘Apostle that Jesus loved’ for the same reason. Out of all the apostles John was ordained to be a prophet like Daniel.

Copyright 2024 by H.D. Shively

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