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Puddle Jumping

These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. – John 16:33

The storm is raging. The waves are crashing against the sides of my rickety little boat. Through the darkness I can see my Lord coming toward me walking across the water. I know that I need to get closer to Him in this tempest.

He is bidding me to come to Him. I climb out of the security of my little boat and begin walking toward Him across the turbulent sea. I know enough after having examined the Apostle Peter’s example, not to take my eyes off Jesus in this storm, or I will sink.

I finally reach my Jesus and He is smiling, pleased that I have come this far without Him having to pull me back up to the surface. The storm is churning around us and we smile at each other like two lovers oblivious to their surroundings. I am enjoying the moment, but I have a question as I study those loving eyes of His that are so intently focused upon my soul. Is He prompting this question, in His desire to see me rise to yet another level of spiritual maturity?

“Jesus,” I begin, “I know that as long as I keep my eyes upon You, I will not sink, even though I am acutely aware of this current storm I am enduring. I know that You can face these storms and the sight of the waves, no matter how enormous they can become, will never bother You. I would like to be able to look at them too, and face them with Your eyes.”

With that, He reached out, and took me by the shoulders with both of His hands and drew me into Himself. Then He turned me around and suddenly I was looking out at the violent seascape before us through His eyes. I was being permitted to view this storm from Heaven’s perspective. I broke out laughing. I discovered that I was overshadowing a mere puddle at our feet. The massive waves that had so threatened to shatter my life were now just ripples in a little pool. Then Jesus and I jumped over it, laughing like two children playing a game.

I could see that there were other puddles waiting for me in the distance in the path I would travel up ahead until I reach my final destination in His embrace on the other side of this life. In the meantime, I knew that Jesus would help me leap over all of them until this journey ends.

Don’t be afraid of the storms, children. Practice puddle jumping with Jesus.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. – Philippians 4:13

Copyright 2017 by H. D. Shively

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