Just a Man

I saw Jesus from a distance and He was just a man, nothing spectacular at that. And I would have passed Him by except for the crowds that had gathered around Him. I was curious and with nothing better to do, I joined them to hear Him speak. I had heard many things about Him, how He performed miracles, astounding things - but I refused to be deceived. I did not know that it was His plan to catch me there among this collection of needy strangers.
      Surely, I was not like them. I had come to indulge my curiousity, no more, no less. But I could not leave for His words had already raced through my mind where I had wanted them to remain. They refused to be contained and I found them lodging themselves in places where I had always refused such intimate intrusions. With a loving edge they were slowly severing the cords that had bound me to myself.
      I did not want to die there among that sea of strangers, though He promised I would live. Could I be a child again? For He insisted I must come with all my defenses stripped away and my pretenses shattered. Then with one eloquent appraisal of my own need, I saw myself reflected in His words and He looked at me. His eyes burned with an unconditional fire, accepting me just as I am. Pretenses shattered. Defenses dissolved. The distance was gone and in my freedom I could see as only a child can; that those eyes that burned with such loving fire were the eyes of God - and I was just a man.

copyright 1999 by H.D. Shively

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