My Praise to Him
I am not going to stand up, I can't just now. I need to sit here for a little while. I'm not going to raise my hands or sing out loud, for it's not necessary now. I will simply close my eyes and let Him feel my praise to Him. I'll let it rise like a gentle wind; it carries a sweet fragrance upon its breath. It's a song to serenade my King, and I can feel Him bend toward its melody. Then my tears will flow, and I will smile as He touches me.
   For I am still and I know He is God.

And my soul shall be joyful in the Lord: it shall rejoice in His salvation. - Psalm 35:9

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The Winter Flowers

Have you ever seen a
Winter flower?
They are very rare, you know.
They grow in the snow;
Snows of dissension and strife, hatred and unkindness,
Snows of hardship,
Failure and vice.
They grow oblivious to their environment
For their blossoms continually face the Son,
Even when His face is shrouded in clouds.
No matter how hard and furious
The winds of
Discontent blow about them,
Their blossoms never fade, nor do their petals fall.
And when they are trampled by the feet of worldly disbelief,
They never die –
The remnant seed lives on.
You are called to be a
Winter flower,
Prepared for this
Season of cold.
You are a rare, delicate bloom growing in the cold snows
Of man’s logic, his pride and self-concern.
You shall draw the hardened hearts to the beauty of your
Colors against the cold,
And cause them to
Look upward to
Find the Source of
The miracle of
Flowers that can bloom
In the snow.

A Flower's Prayer

Lord, let me be a pleasant garden for You to dwell in.
Let my vines be filled with fruit for You to eat;
and let my streams be clean and pure for You to drink.
Let the air You breathe
be perfume
and let beauty greet Your eyes wherever You may look.
Take away every twisted,
bitter root:
plant new seed in their stead, and pour fresh rain
to soften the hard places.
Let new life begin.
Oh my Precious Gardener,
I shall not bloom
without Your care.
Keep me in the pure light of
Your Son,
and I shall grow well in the warmth of Your promise.

He who has the Son has life. -
I John 5:12

To Sing a Sweeter Song

To sing a sweeter song
Than even now,
I must sit alone with Him for a Long, long while,
And listen for His song in the Quiet time.
Then I will sing the words I know with a richer tone,
Deep and satisfying,
Until the song lifts me higher
And this flower grows another Inch.

Grow in grace...II Peter 3:18

The Flower Song
We are basking in life, rising up to greet the Light, reflecting the Son on every petal. And the children come to marvel at His garden to see what the Son has brought to life. Our colors dazzle, as the fragrance of His love clings to the air. We draw them to seek the aroma of His perfect atmosphere. He has created us a stunning variety of every shape and type. We complement one another by the symmetry of His design. There are no distances in His garden, our petals merge for we being many are as one. We are a bouquet of love; the Gardener's delight, grown simply for His pleasure and it is His pleasure to give His flowers life.

I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. - John 10:10

Copyright 1985 by H.D. Shively | |Bouquet | Cafe Logos Home Page